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Autocirc announces strategic expansion in France by acquiring automotive company Caréco Molins Creauto

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Autocirc announces strategic expansion in France by acquiring automotive company Caréco Molins Creauto

We are proud to announce that Caréco Molins Creauto together with Molins Production are joining the Autocirc group. This acquisition marks another significant step forward for Autocirc as a European leader shaping the circular auto-parts industry by maximising the reuse of automotive components. Giving new life to cars.

Caréco Molins Creauto is a well-established company, leader in Hauts de France, and specialising in the field of reused vehicle parts, the sale of second-hand vehicles and the resale of new parts. Molins has a long and distinguished history in the French automotive industry, dating back to its founding in 1943 by Michel Molins. Over the decades, under the leadership of Jean-Luc Molins, the company has grown into a key player in the sector and has led the way in many areas such as the establishment of Careco Group* in France. In 2017, Manon Molins, the fourth generation of the family, joined the company. Together with Jean-Luc, they took the lead in building up a state-of-the-art dismantling and recycling facility, a recognized team of industry experts as well as a strategy aimed at future growth. Caréco Molins operates two strategic sites in Seclin (59) and Cuinchy (62), that will now form an integral part of Autocirc’s expanding European network.

Hugues Delval, CEO of Autocirc, shares his thoughts on the acquisition:
“We are very happy to welcome Jean-Luc and Manon Molins, as well as the entire Molins team to Autocirc. This is a significant step forward in our journey to offer insurance companies and auto repair workshops the #1 ecosystem to transporting, dismantling and recycling cars as well as selling reused parts. Caréco Molins has a solid reputation for quality and innovation and their expertise complements our vision perfectly.”

Jean-Luc and Manon Molins will continue in their roles as Managing Directors of Molins:
“At Caréco Molins we are excited to join forces with Autocirc. Our shared vision of sustainability and innovation made our decision to join the group a natural fit. We now very much look forward to contributing to Autocirc and providing customers with professional services and the widest choice of reused parts. Autocirc's position and extensive network sets the stage for significant accomplishments in the future.”

Caréco Molins employs 90 people in total.

For more information, please contact:

Hugues Delval, CEO

Autocirc France
Maxime Richaud, Country Manager France

Caréco Molins
Manon et Jean-Luc Molins
29 route de Lille
59113 SECLIN

About Autocirc
Autocirc is a fast-growing industry leader in the automotive spare parts market, providing high-quality, reused original car parts. By establishing the #1 ecosystem for the reuse and recycling of auto parts, Autocirc provides exceptional value to insurance companies, workshops and end customers. Our mission is to give new life to cars, accelerating a sustainable transition and shaping a circular auto-parts industry that drives significant climate impact reduction.

Operating through eight distinct business areas, ranging from dismantling to towing and transportation, Autocirc offers a comprehensive platform in a circular flow. A circular business model where there is no end point - only new potential.

The Autocirc Group presently includes 65 companies and employs 1190 people across Europe.

About Caréco Molins Creauto & Molins Production

Caréco Molins is a family company leading in recycling cars for 4 generations. Our state of the art and new facilities offer local and professional services to our customers. Together these facilities allow the dismantling of up to 20000 vehicles per year.

* Caréco Group is a leading French network specialized in vehicle dismantling, recycling and second-hand trading.


Autocirc is a fast-growing industry leader in the automotive spare parts market, providing high-quality, reused original car parts. By creating an ecosystem for the reuse and recycling of auto parts, Autocirc delivers exceptional value to insurance companies, workshops and end customers while also contributing to substantial climate savings. Repairs that reuse parts reduce carbon emissions by as much as 75% compared to using new parts.

By acquiring leading companies in the automotive parts industry, Autocirc has created an influential position where the company can contribute to real change and accelerate the sustainable transition in the industry. Through eight different business areas, ranging from dismantling to towing and transportation, Autocirc creates a comprehensive platform in a circular flow. A circular business model where there is no end point - only new potential.

The Autocirc Group presently includes 65 companies with 1190 employees in total across Europe. Autocirc's headquarters is locted in Borås, Sweden and the company is owned by the private equity investor Nordic Capital.


Gisela Nordlin

Gisela Nordlin

Presskontakt CMO I Marknads- & Kommunikationschef +46 73 826 76 88

Cirkulär återanvändning av bildelar

Autocirc är en snabbväxande branschledare på den europeiska marknaden för fordonsdelar där vi erbjuder återanvända originaldelar av hög kvalitet. Genom att skapa ett ekosystem för återanvändning och återvinning av bildelar lägger vi grunden för ett mycket värdefullt erbjudande till försäkringsbolag, verkstäder och slutkunder samtidigt som vi bidrar till betydande klimatbesparingar. Reparationer med återanvända reservdelar minskar koldioxidutsläppen med hela 75% jämfört med nya reservdelar.
Genom att förvärva ledande företag inom bildelsindustrin har Autocirc skapat en inflytelserik position där vi kan bidra till verklig förändring och påskynda den hållbara omställningen i branschen. Genom åtta olika affärsområden, som sträcker sig från demontering till bärgning och transport, skapar Autocirc en heltäckande plattform i ett cirkulärt flöde. En cirkulär affärsmodell där det inte finns någon slutpunkt - bara ny potential.
För närvarande omfattar Autocirc koncernen 65 företag med totalt 1190 anställda över hela Europa. Huvudkontoret är beläget i Borås, Sverige och Autocirc ägs av investeringsbolaget Nordic Capital.

Autocirc AB

Österlånggatan 69
503 37 Borås